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Total Control Net, 2019 Queens Award for Innovation winner

Coffinet TCN

Collagen food film opens up a whole host of possibilities for new inspirations previously undreamt of, over and beyond the limits of traditional products. Collagen film covers meat, meat products and emulsions like a natural skin and enables you to transform low-cost products into high-quality creations. 

  • Easy peeling (de-netting) - Our collagen film “COFFI“ makes it super easy to remove all types of netting. No more torn surfaces and unappealing finished products.
  • Sizing - Our COFFINET TCN gives you the capability for evenly sized products that will allow you to have a consistent shape and also allows you to stuff much longer pieces for even slicing all of the time
  • Smoking - An excellent and perfectly balanced smoke up-take ensures first-class cultivation of flavour and colour and leaves you with an immaculately finished product.
  • Printing - Individual logo designs printed on our COFFI makes sure your products maintain the highest level of brand recognition. COFFI can be printed in a variety of edible colours.